Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yochi Yochi Eco-Friendly Squeaky Shoes Now Available!

We have exciting news, Yochi Yochi Eco-Friendly Squeaky Shoes Line is now available at www.kittenandnana.com! We have partnered with this company so we can bring these adorable shoes to you.

Yochi Yochi Prince Kairu Eco-Friendly Squeaky Shoes 
Yochi Yochi Princess Sakura Eco-Friendly Squeaky Shoes

Yochi Yochi shoes are made with a small squeaking diaphragm in the heel of each shoe which causes a small squeak when your child takes a step. The noise is fun, but we think it goes beyond that.

With the squeaking sound of every step, you can find comfort in that fact that your stealthy child will have a hard time getting away from your side without you knowing.

In addition to safety, many doctors have suggested that when children can audibly recognize their footsteps, the sounds can reinforce the natural rhythm of walking and actually help train them to walk.

Yochi Yochi  strives to create durable products at great prices because we know how fast your children grow up!

Yochi Yochi - For a Smaller Footprint

We're proud to say we've applied environmentally friendly practices in the manufacturing of Yochi Yochi shoes. Doing our part to protect the habitats of our animal neighbors. You can feel comfortable knowing that with your purchase of these small shoes you can make a smaller footprint on our natural habitats. Yochi Yochi manufacturing uses-

-Water-based dyes for printing. As a result, any effluents from the factory are not harmful to the environment

-Use of energy-efficient equipment such as our fans, air conditioners, and stitching machines which saves 25% on energy consumption compared to the less expensive standard options

-Storage of rain water for daily factory use

What are you waiting for? Grab a pair now, we offer sizes 3 to 8!

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